PolishAholic of the Day

Then more I tried the products from Essence, then more I  fell in love with the quality and consistence of this "cheap" supermarket brand. never painted my nails in black before (I think the reasons where, that I was Te-rri-ble painting with dark color and my job didn't allowed too;)). Essence has relaunched their polish collection, the quality and especially the brush are so easy to work and that I just needed one layer. To add a bit of "Happiness", I applyed just a dip of this "circus confetti" from Essence "Nail art" collection, that gives a bit of color and fun to all this black staff;)!

"Don't be scared to abuse, be yourself , be Glamorous!" XOXO

Essence - 144 black is black
Essence - 02 circus confetti

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One Response to PolishAholic of the Day

enfimsexta said...

Olá, amei o seu blog, os post são maravilhosos.
amooo nails art e vocês esta super de parabéns. beijos!!!

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